You Are a Kinetic Learner |
![]() You learn best by doing, and you have a talent for complicated, physical tasks. You excel at athletics, drama, and fixing things. You would be an excellent Olympic athlete - or a Broadway star! |
That is so true. For the first 12 years of my life I had very limited physical activity, and I ate crap. Just last year I joined a gym, started yoga and I have never looked back. I was so miserable before. Dance has just added to that. I found my calling (I know that probably sounds like some cheap line, but it is true). If I was paralzyed tomorrow I would seriously have to kill myself because, I need to be moovin' and grovin'. Before I was brought into the world of physical exercise, I was miserable. It was probably partly due to the fact that I was eating nasty preservatives, and chemicals. It seems like I'm on a roll now and I can do anything and I'm not limited, last year at this time, I would have been scared to talk to anyone, for fear that they would make fun of me. Now I don't really care, I have way more self-confidence. Other things started to fall into place after that. I used to be money/celebrity obsessed and now I feel bad for people who are like that. I think money is just a measure of time, there is a quote it is
"Waste your money and you're only out of money, but waste your time and you've lost a part of your life. ~Michael Leboeuf"
Money measures time, you have to work x hours to get x money. So to be obsessed with money is to be obsessed with time. It would be wasteful to do that seeing as I have no control over either. Celebrities, I think it is sad the population puts other people on a pedestal. What is so great about them honestly. They were in a movie?? There are plenty of people around you who are just as great, and they are right there.
Kinetic learner, I think that those blog things are sometimes inaccurate. This one is right on the mark. I love dance, as a matter of fact, my abs, hips, and thighs hurt right now because I overdid the dancing yesterday. I did an hour at the studio and then I came home and made up the beginnings to 3 other songs. I might be able to convince my parents to let me video tape the dances and upload them to youtube. If not I'll video tape it, but not upload it until I'm 18.
Also I've been reading a blog, I love it! It is ( ). It has lots of information about your food and other things. It is mostly just her random thoughts, and we think in a similar way (well sort of). It is very interesting and if you have a chance, I think you should read it.
1 comment:
We do think alike!! That's an interesting thought about money measuring time, i'll have to think on that some more.
Sorry I haven't commented in a while.
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