Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Careful what you wish for.
On to my next subject, Religion. This has to do with The Law of Attraction. I'm not an atheist, but I don't believe in "God". I believe in a greater power, but not a god. I also hate the fact that religion and differences among people have caused much hate and suffering. I hate people because they are annoying their religion, race, etc. never even enters my mind. I can't believe people today are still like that, anyways I'm getting off topic. I do believe in The Law of Attraction. It is basically the universe is listening to your every thought and what you give you receive (like a karma system), also you can get anything by imagining it is already yours and vision boards help with this (I'll make a vision board post someday). Anyways, I made my vision board like a month ago, I have it in my room and I look at it everyday and smile. Well on Sunday, my dad said he would order me Rosetta Stone......in Spanish (Latin America). Not exactly what I had in mind (I've been learning German the past 4 months). None the less I'm glad I get Rosetta Stone, I ordered the most expensive version (well my dad paid for it) and it was 429.99 (HEART ATTACK). I'm determined to get my moneys worth and it should help with getting a job, also knowledge is power. What does this have to do with my vision board? Well I put Rosetta Stone on my vision board. I'm still in semi-shock how this has worked out. I'm thinking I should make another larger vision board, because the one I currently have doesn't have enough room for all my ideas. I want to clear one thing up, this is not a wish list type thing, and I'm not using it as such. The majority of my board is covered with Intelligent people, Strong People, and Changes I want to see in the world. The Rosetta Stone thing is one of about 3 material objects on the board. So I'm encouraging you go out and make your own vision board. Just Be careful what you wish for.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Licensed to ride a bike
L= Hey (yeah he doesn't even say my name)
M= Looks over
L= I saw you riding your bike
M=Nods Head
L=Why do you ride your bike?
1 second goes by
L= for exercise? (great now he is calling me fat!)
M=Nods head
L= Why? You're skinny? (Nice save, so apparently I'm not fat)
M= You can be skinny and still be flubby (yes I said flubby)
L= Oh
As you can see this is a mostly one-sided conversation. I didn't even realize it until now. The person I was talking too, he is nice, I guess (I'm trying a new thing where I say nice things about people). He can sometimes be obnoxious, and cuss or made, dumb jokes. I guess most guys are like that, until they grow up. The reason I'm mentioning him is for two reasons (I'll call L Leaf Brain) So here are the two reasons why I mentioned Leaf Brain
- He is Friends with Adonis!
- He talks to me randomly out of nowhere
I want to discuss #2. I over-analyze everything people do, I'm constantly watching body language, and every finger tap means something to me. This could just be because I'm female, and I've heard that we tend to do that. I'm not going to discuss this topic any further, because I'll eventually end up making no sense. That is all for today! =D
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Funny how things turn out
You Are a Kinetic Learner |
![]() You learn best by doing, and you have a talent for complicated, physical tasks. You excel at athletics, drama, and fixing things. You would be an excellent Olympic athlete - or a Broadway star! |
Saturday, September 27, 2008
So Great....
Well that is all for today. I hope I haven't wasted your time with my random babble.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Yoga, maybe I am like bella....and McDonalds
This post isn't supposed to be about me anyways, so one new thing I found out about Bikram yoga. This guy had a knee injury and doctors told him he would never walk again (doctors are soooo dramatic) but he used a serious of 26 yoga positions to heal and now he teaches yoga in a room that is heated to 37 degrees C or above (that is body temp or higher). This is supposed to minimize injury since the room is the same temperature (or higher) as your body. I want to try it, but I'm trying to limit my ambitions since my parents don't have unlimited money. If anyone out there is a dermatologist or knows a dermatologist or goes to a dermatologist, I would love to talk to a dermatologist and see what that job is like. I'm interested in being a dermatologist/ part time yoga instructor.
Wow, I didn't realize how self-centered I am, this post just keeps coming back to me....=(. Well since I'm already off to a bad start let me just say it, McDonald's. I absolutely with every cell in my body hate McDonald's. There was this test on you tube, and this guy put some typical McD. entrees in a glass jar he also put a typical burger that you would buy from a restaurant (not fast food). The results were disgusting. The french fries from McD stayed in their original form for about 8 wks or something. Just think how hard it is for your stomach to break that down!! I read a book called 'Everything you didn't want to know about fast food'. I'm glad that I now know all that stuff. It really slapped me in the face. I wouldn't say that I ate fast food a lot before I read it, but I don't even touch McD food any more. I would recommend that book to anyone. Something else I thought was very eye opening was The story of stuff ( http://storyofstuff.com/ ). I can't even explain that. I thought it was funny and informative. I watched it twice and I would probably watch it again.
I'm very happy right now, I got my first comment. Yay!! The comment is on my first post if you want to read it. Someone said I reminded them of Bella Swan. I think I'm definitely klutzy, but I don't see any other similarities. It is hard for me to self-asses myself. I have one question though. Where is my Edward? =)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Who is das Gift......

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
7 things
Physical Appearance:
- Mouth: Make sure to brush your teeth, no one likes stinky breath or yellow teeth. If your teeth just don't get white no matter how much you brush I recommend Whitening Strips, they have many available kinds at Wal-Mart or Drugstores (CVS, Walgreen's, etc.)
- Hair: Sometimes too much gel can look nasty, it makes your hair look greasy (which isn't good) If you have curly hair I recommend going with your hair instead of against it. If you have curly hair and it looks afro-ish then keep it short. If you have straight hair do whatever. A substitution for gel would be when your hair is wet style it how you want it to look and let it dry this way, then you can add a tiny amount of gel to the roots if necessary.
- Face: I have acne too and I have for at least 3 years, so believe me I'm not trying to hurt any feeling here. There is an acne product I get it from Wal-Mart and it is $4 a bottle. It has 10% benzoyl peroxide and benzoyl peroxide gets rid of pimples super fast. It might make your face really dry, but then you can use a lotion or moisturizer, dry skin isn't as noticeable as a pimple anyways. If you can't find a product strong enough for you. Ask your doctor (family doctor not dermatologist) if they can prescribe a medication. If that doesn't work go to a dermatologist, because they specialize in skin and it might be the second layer of skin or some junk like that.
- Body: If you do a few push ups and a few crunches everyday you should be fine. Sports could also help you stay physically active. Or you can join a gym.
- Clothing: Dress how you are don't change for anyone, let your personality shine through your clothes.
Now for Attitude:
- Check your attitude at the door. If you're having a bad day, don't take it out on someone else. Try to avoid people that easily upset you if you're already not in a good mood. Don't look for trouble.
- A little respect goes a long way. If you have problems being with being nice to people pretend like a girl you like is watching you. She might be, if you treat other people badly she is going to think you're a jerk. Especially shy girls (such as me), if you make fun of other people shy girls think you will make fun of them too. There was a quote that said, something like 'don't measure a man by how he treats his equals, but by how he treats his lessors' Add sir or ma'am when you are talking to an adult, yes it does seem old school or nerdy, but it shows you have a good family and good manners.
- Compliment Whores. Don't compliment a girl unless you really mean it. If other people tell her that something looks stupid, and you tell her it looks awesome she is going to think that you either lied or you don't know what you are talking about, therefore all following compliments will be disregarded. Neither are good for you. Only give one compliment a week, make it count! If you give her a compliment every other day she won't care anymore. I would
- Compliment her on one thing every other week (but don't repeat for more than 3 weeks) do this every other week for the best effect
- Pick a compliment she probably rarely gets, like Your eyes are so pretty or something. If you talk about accessories such a bracelets, necklaces, belts, earing or if you notice something like she parts her hair a different way, or her belt is too the side, or shoes, then that is a bonus because it is unique. Things up by her head are easier to see so if you notice something like shoes or an anklet few people have probably noticed that.
Well that is pretty much it these are all guidlines, you don't have to follow them strictly I'm just giving you tips to help. Maybe a guy can email me one of these so I know why I don't have a boyfriend. That's it for today, please leave a comment, or vote, or email me I love feedback. Thanks =D
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I knew it would be a good day
today I think he did look out the back of the bus at me when it drove off but maybe not. I'm just happy I get to look at him every day. He is so sweet yesterday when the bus driver "wouldn't move the bus until the person who whistled came forward". He was willing to get in trouble for the whole bus, but he would have got suspened from the bus, so he didn't. Also I got to help put together folders for the guidence counsler and there were 3 other kids there. 2 of them are annoying but one of them is male and he can't help it. The other one I almost wanted to shove my sock down her mouth so she would quit talking. I guess the guy isn't soo bad sometimes I can actually have a decent conversation if he isn't trying to flirt with some girl. I als get to see how the rest of the class perceives me. He was surprised that I do hiphop and latin dance, I think everyone in my class thinks I'm a conservative, boring, girl but they only see me at school. I've been told by numerous people that I act "different" outside of school whether that is good or bad I don't know, but I'm hoping it's good.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Teachers the Good the Bad and the Ugly
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Physics Ugghh.
I want to have a myspace account, but my parents won't let me. It stinks. I'd only talk to my friends and kids from school. Old people psshh. They don't understand that online social networking systems are the thing of this generation.... Well that is all for now, sorry this post is so short. I'm tired, hungry, dehydrated, and I have some homework to do.
Sleepover and funninness
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Dance, Parties and Weirds.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Why must I be totured???
Saturday, September 13, 2008
das Gift, Dance and time.
I started this jazz/hiphop dance thing today, and I had a great time. The dance it self was fairly simple, again I had people issues. The instructor was lovely, a lot of charisma, jovial, and she made me feel relaxed and didn't make me feel like an idiot or dummy because I don't know how to dance very well. It was this one girl in my class who also goes to my school (I'll call her Big Mouth or BM for short). BM had this attitude, like snobby. We don't talk much at school so I didn't expect to have an actual conversation with her, but I think she was mad at me for coming. I definetly know it wasn't because I'm better than her that is for sure. Here are my possible explanations:
- She thinks she is so much better than me at dance that I should be thanking her just to be in the same room.
- Me and another girl (Butt Brag BB for short, BB goes to my school) just joined the class today and BM might be PO because it was only her and another girl (Georgia, who goes to my school). So she is mad it isn't just her and Georgia.
- She is mad I joined and I'm taking "her thing" this would make her less unique.
I hope whatever it is she loses the attitude soon. I just hate it when people are pissy and I don't know why. The other girls were fine. The instructor was happy that more people are coming, and she is putting an add out in the paper, so more people are going to be coming. Besides if someone from my class wanted to take Yoga, with me (Yes I do yoga) I would be excited and eager to share tips with them and happy to have someone to discuss yoga with. I guess me and BM just have different personalities, and dance is the only semi-unique thing about her, so she didn't want someone else to "take it". I really don't even care any more.
Well I was watching a show about time, but now I'm watching bring it on again. Shows about time and time travel always blow my mind. It was really awesome, but I'm not a physicist, and I don't feign interest in those subjects. Bring it on again is more my tempo, except I think cheerleaders get a bad rep. They have to train really hard and they do cool flips and stuff. They are the limbo between gymnastics and dancers. I think these movies make their rep. worse. The one lady sounds like a stuck-up, narcissitic, brat.
Well that is it for now. Talk to you later =)