Tuesday, February 16, 2010
A whole year
Sunday, September 20, 2009
More than a post.
Well I just wanted you guys to know I didn't die or go into a coma. =)
Friday, July 03, 2009

- I made the dance team!!! The auditions were in June. I figured I have nothing to lose so I might as well try. I'm actually surprised I made it. I'm so excited. There is a second audition (I'm going just for the heck of it. It is the same routine as the first one, so it will be super easy.) Then the "boot camp" is at the end of the month for 5 days. I've been training so I will be strong and flexible for it. I don't want to be a wuss for my first impression.
- I almost have my splits. I've been stretching an hour every night for a month. I'm so close. I think 1 more month at the most and I will have it on my right and left sides. The center could take a year or longer. My hips just don't open very well that way.
- I almost have elephant pose. That is the pose in the picture. I've come so far in yoga. I've only been doing it for a year, but wow. Last year I was just lucky if I could hold myself up in wheel/bridge/back bend (the same pose pictured, but with your leg down.)
- I'm switching my diet. (yet again) I eat wayyy too much junk. Just and example, jolly beans, frosting (amazingly there is vegan frosting at wal-mart, who knew?), fake cheese, Macaroni, Pizza, Naked Juice (It is good for you, but I should definitely cut back). I almost never eat vegetables, so a dramatic change is necessary. I'm only going to get fruits and vegetables, that way I won't eat any crap. Once a month I may treat myself to a baked good (vegan of course.) but other than that, no no no. I'm also going to try fasting (one day, once a month.) I'm doing this to cleanse my organs and just give my poor digestive track a rest. I also watched a thing (and read a book), about calorie restricted diets. They said they help you live longer and I believe it. So one week every month I'm going to try and eat about half as much as I usually do. This prompts your body to go into starvation mode and be more efficient. Of course when I return to normal, I'll probably go into fat storing mode. Hmmm, maybe I need to look at this a bit more. I'll still try it, but if there are any nasty side effects (I'm sure there won't be, but it is always a possibility) I'll quit.
- I got dance supplies. I ordered some tights and Dance Paws. I got them from Discount Dance Supply (I totally recommend them if you ever have any dance needs.) I got nude colored tights and some fun paint splattered ones. I can't wait to wear my stuff to class!
- My dance recital party thing was... =( I'm not sure if I mentioned the end of the year dance party/recital was in May. I don't want to make negative comments, but my group's dance and just me in general kind of stank. I'm not going to go on, but I've learned some very important lessons.
- I'm not going to be a ballerina for at least another year. Since I made the dance team, my parents aren't going to have the money (and time) to take me to ballet, dance, and yoga. I'll just see what happens. As of now the dance team is probably my best bet. Ballet is one of the hardest forms of dance. So by doing this I can get my feet wet before jumping in.
Pretty much all of my posts from now on are going to somehow be related to yoga, dance, flexibility or just health/fitness in general. I can't help it...I'm obsessed!!
Monday, May 04, 2009
Normally I do not use the restroom in 3rd period, but I really had to go. I walk out into the hallway and something smells like it is burning. My first thought was "cigarettes" but I didn't figure anyone would be dumb enough to smoke cigarettes at school. Apparrently they aren't. I get back to class and I told my teacher. She walked out into the hallway and smelt it. Then she called the front office or school police officer. Of course a few kids in my class had to stick their head out the door and smell it. Most of them were like, "Umm cigarettes don't smell like that, it's pot." My teacher didn't directly state that it was pot, but she didn't deny that it was. It was crazy! I don't think I'll ever look at a bathroom the same way again. I couldn't believe it! I told my parents and they had like a zero reaction to it!
Now I can tell other parents that they should send children to our school because kids smoke pot in the bathrooms!
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Really Slow
I just wish it could be next year already. I want to go to high school. The program I'm going to be taking (IB) looks challenging and I want to be challenged. I'm also sick of my schools administration. There are 3 reasons right now
- Tacky Day (See tacky day post)
- Buses (I'll explain)
- Field Day (I'll explain)
Well apparently my bus driver decided to take Friday off. So Friday morning we had a different bus and a different driver. That bus driver told us we would be riding a certain bus number that leaves earlier than our regular bus does. So everyone wrote the bus number down and made sure their younger siblings were aware of the change. We get out there just like the lady said, and what do you know apparently our bus is coming so we have to wait for about 15 minutes in the nice hot 90 degree sun. While we our waiting our principle comes over and starts yelling at us because, we "know" that we aren't supposed to be on that side of the bus loading zone. The side we were on is for little kids. Our bus is not late everyday we do not "know" which side we are supposed to be on. A bus finally came and brought us home.
Field Day. I'm not sure if I said this before, but the next three days I was supposed to help with the elementary kids' field day. I was pretty happy about it because I was missing 1,2, and 3 period. I wasn't too worried either, I'm doing great in all of those classes and they are non-essentials (Reading, Language Arts and Band). I was really excited about it, but you know my dragon lady principal if anyone is going to have fun she has to squash it. She didn't even tell us to our faces. She told the teacher who told us. The P.E. coach was pretty unhappy about it too! She really needed us to help, the teachers don't help and they don't have enough extra staff to help.
So all in all school is hell and I can't wait to leave. You gotta' know it's bad when 'good kids' start saying stuff like this. The dance is on Friday, if they do anything to mess with that, I've had it!
On a happier note, we got our Standardized writing scores back, and guess what? I got a perfect score! I'm so excited. My school takes all the students who get perfect scores to this expensive restaurant. I've never been there before, and I can't wait. I really worked hard on writing that paper. I was confident I got a six (perfect score) when I completed it. I'm glad I at least have that extra boost. I can't wait for the rest of our scores to come back (for Math, Science, and Reading). I know I did well and I hope it shows in my scores.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tacky Day, Ugghh
Sunday, April 19, 2009
When you're right, you're right
My obsessions are short lived and are often replaced by newer things. I just want you to know that I still do often think about most of my obsessions. Homeschooling- My parents were too stubborn so I had to let it go or be pissed off at them every day. Adonis- Yeah he is okay, but I could really care less about him. Clear Skin- Everyone wants it, but sometimes you need time. See that is only 3 obsessions (now 4) in the course of less than a year. I think it is genetic, my dad seems to have obsessions that then fall by the wayside.
We are having an end of the year party thing at my Saturday class and we are performing a piece done to Madonna + Justin Timberlake's song, 4 minutes. We just got the costumes yesterday and they are sweet. I'm not going to describe them, because let's face it we all know I stink at that. One piece was too small so she is ordering me 1 size larger. Once I get that piece I will take a picture of it and post it here. It is so awesome!