Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Careful what you wish for.

I'm going to start with pretty much the only (useful) thing I did today. (Well Actually I learned some German today to, but that is besides the point, and I'm unintentionally building up suspense). I looked up free online college courses (http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/web/courses/courses/index.htm). Honestly most of them don't look that hard, of course they are hard for me because I don't have the textbook. I was all worried that college would be hard and blah blah, but the only thing that daunts me now is they give you 1 hour for your mid-term test and 3 hours for your final. YIKES!! a 3 hour long test.
On to my next subject, Religion. This has to do with The Law of Attraction. I'm not an atheist, but I don't believe in "God". I believe in a greater power, but not a god. I also hate the fact that religion and differences among people have caused much hate and suffering. I hate people because they are annoying their religion, race, etc. never even enters my mind. I can't believe people today are still like that, anyways I'm getting off topic. I do believe in The Law of Attraction. It is basically the universe is listening to your every thought and what you give you receive (like a karma system), also you can get anything by imagining it is already yours and vision boards help with this (I'll make a vision board post someday). Anyways, I made my vision board like a month ago, I have it in my room and I look at it everyday and smile. Well on Sunday, my dad said he would order me Rosetta Stone......in Spanish (Latin America). Not exactly what I had in mind (I've been learning German the past 4 months). None the less I'm glad I get Rosetta Stone, I ordered the most expensive version (well my dad paid for it) and it was 429.99 (HEART ATTACK). I'm determined to get my moneys worth and it should help with getting a job, also knowledge is power. What does this have to do with my vision board? Well I put Rosetta Stone on my vision board. I'm still in semi-shock how this has worked out. I'm thinking I should make another larger vision board, because the one I currently have doesn't have enough room for all my ideas. I want to clear one thing up, this is not a wish list type thing, and I'm not using it as such. The majority of my board is covered with Intelligent people, Strong People, and Changes I want to see in the world. The Rosetta Stone thing is one of about 3 material objects on the board. So I'm encouraging you go out and make your own vision board. Just Be careful what you wish for.

1 comment:

Strawberry Girl said...


I like the idea of a vision board. I have been thinking of doing something like that. I was thinking of writing out exactly what I wanted to be/become. Then working towards it. This sounds like a good way to do that.


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