Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tacky Day, Ugghh
Well I officially 100% hate my principal (I know I usually say dislike with atomic intensity, but she is the one thing/person/evil troll in this world that I truly hate.). This week was spirit week at my school. So on different days there were things like Twin Day, Career Day, etc. On each day some teachers judge who is dressed the best (there are 1st 2nd and 3rd prizes). The 1st place usually gets $20 or some gift card. Tuesday was Tacky day. They posted a notice and told everyone the week before that "Plaid shorts and mismatched clothing is allowed." Normally we aren't allowed to wear plaid shorts, so that is what I and the rest of the school (teachers included.) assumed by this message. Well I went full out tacky. I had a neon green wig, uni brow, mustache, wacky make-up, and most importantly insanely layered clothing. I walked to class and people laughed at me and stared because I really looked stupid. It was awesome though. Everyone told me I was going to win for sure; I looked insane! So after the morning announcements me and the rest of the tacky dressed people in my school went into the media center (library) to get judged. I got there a couple of minutes before the other kids (my classroom is closer to the media center). People from the yearbook were taking our pictures, and I couldn't help but smile. I knew I was going to win. The smell of victory was cruelly snatched from my mouth as soon as the Principal walked in. She was screaming say that we were all out of dress code. I wasn't worried. In previous years you could wear clothing over top of a polo (collared) shirt and jeans or other suitable pants. Then she goes to each person and starts yelling at them saying they were supposed to layer their clothing, and they can't wear ties on their head. At that moment my heart literally fell from my body and to the other side of the world. It didn't really sink in. It is what I imagine cows feel like before they are about to be slaughtered. I was waiting for her to come and yell at me. She did. She started pointing out various things that I supposedly "knew were unacceptable". She said that we weren't allowed to layer clothing and she sent some magical memo to everyone telling them this. I went to the deans office and changed my clothing and went back to class. I'm surprised I didn't cry in class. I was so close to tears. I know what you must think, "It was only a stupid contest get over it." Well it wasn't to me. I seriously was looking forward to this all year (I know I'm a bit of a drama queen, but I'm not exaggerating.) I started planning from the beginning of school. I was determined to win this year. I've done it the past two years unsuccessfully. Well anyway, I got back to class and the teacher stopped the lesson and said something along these lines; "You really should have won. We all know you won. It was really unfair what they did." Then my classmates responded with choruses of "Yeah" and different variations of that. I was so mad the whole day, I still have not gotten over what happened and I don't think I ever will. Every single teacher on that campus was on my side, as well as the other students who were "out of dress code". I don't know why the Principal thinks she can get away with this. I'm going to send an email to the news station and hopefully word will get out about what an awful Principal she is. I have to look at her face at honor roll too. I don't want to shake her hand. How can she smile and pretend like everything is cool when it's not. She ruined my day/week, and I want an apology (No actually what I really want is for her to be fired, because I'm not going to accept her apology. I know it is harsh, but she isn't a good principal, and this incident just blew it over the top.) There was absolutely no reason for her to yell at me. I'm the reason why this school has received "A" rating the past couple of years. Without students, like me, who get high scores on standardized tests, this school would be crap. It isn't like I openly disobeyed dress code. She did not send anyone this magical memo about layered clothing not being allowed. My dad says she is probably under a lot of stress from the Superintendent, because of the recession. I really do not care what her problems are. She can get a therapist, she does not need to take it out on students. I really do love the rest of the staff at my school. I'm glad the dean(s) didn't yell at me (I probably would have cried) and they were all really nice. It is unfortunate people like her live in this world. There is no room for them.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
When you're right, you're right
The week off of school has been Amaazzing! No beach side chilling or fruit smoothies (although I really wouldn't mind a fruit smoothie). Mostly stuff I like to do, go on the computer, watch ANTM (America's Next Top Model), catch up on school work, and fall in love! Seriously I can not get enough of ballet! I don't take ballet classes, but recently I've discovered that I'm in love with it. Mostly just the athleticism and flexibility of the girls/guys who are dancers. Anyone who can physically stick their head up their butt is pretty cool in my book! I do take a hip-hop/jazz fusion class every Saturday for an hour, but that is mostly recreational (See I can still use big words, I didn't lose all my brain cells over Spring Break!). Since I'm going to be starting High School next year I'm thinking about taking 3 ballet classes a week as well. There are cost issues involved, but I think I can convince my parents that their money would be well spent. If that doesn't work then I'm just going to have to wait until I can get my own job to pay for the classes. I feel like being away from school is the best thing that could have happened to me. I really need a break from my classmates, I love these people but too much of a good thing is bad. I feel like everything is working in my favor for now. My acne is clearing up! That is the most exciting thing.
My obsessions are short lived and are often replaced by newer things. I just want you to know that I still do often think about most of my obsessions. Homeschooling- My parents were too stubborn so I had to let it go or be pissed off at them every day. Adonis- Yeah he is okay, but I could really care less about him. Clear Skin- Everyone wants it, but sometimes you need time. See that is only 3 obsessions (now 4) in the course of less than a year. I think it is genetic, my dad seems to have obsessions that then fall by the wayside.
We are having an end of the year party thing at my Saturday class and we are performing a piece done to Madonna + Justin Timberlake's song, 4 minutes. We just got the costumes yesterday and they are sweet. I'm not going to describe them, because let's face it we all know I stink at that. One piece was too small so she is ordering me 1 size larger. Once I get that piece I will take a picture of it and post it here. It is so awesome!
My obsessions are short lived and are often replaced by newer things. I just want you to know that I still do often think about most of my obsessions. Homeschooling- My parents were too stubborn so I had to let it go or be pissed off at them every day. Adonis- Yeah he is okay, but I could really care less about him. Clear Skin- Everyone wants it, but sometimes you need time. See that is only 3 obsessions (now 4) in the course of less than a year. I think it is genetic, my dad seems to have obsessions that then fall by the wayside.
We are having an end of the year party thing at my Saturday class and we are performing a piece done to Madonna + Justin Timberlake's song, 4 minutes. We just got the costumes yesterday and they are sweet. I'm not going to describe them, because let's face it we all know I stink at that. One piece was too small so she is ordering me 1 size larger. Once I get that piece I will take a picture of it and post it here. It is so awesome!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I'm getting really frustrated right now. I really want to earn money by doing surveys and that kind of thing, but you have to be 18 or older to complete most of the offers. I have been able to earn $0.90 on (, but the only thing you can buy with that is some gum. I think it would be a great way for my mom to earn money, but she isn't computer savvy and wouldn't be able to do it. It is called a GPT (Get Paid To). Basically advertisers pay the sites to promote their surveys. Then people fill out the surveys or trial offers and you get a portion of the money the site gets. I might not have explained it well, you can google GPT and find out more info. The site I'm using ( has a really good reputation. Some sites don't pay you your money, but this one does. It is basically the only one I can join too, because the other ones only allow members 18 or older. Darn, well only 4 more years.
Friday, April 10, 2009
I think I might have found a possible career option. Choreographer (even though I can't spell it!). I love making up different dances and I think I'm pretty good at it (Of course I think I'm good at everything...Just Kidding, I'm not that conceited!) I made up a dance to the song Move, Shake Drop. It isn't that great right now, but I've got time to perfect it! Not much really going on. I can't wait for spring break!
Saturday, April 04, 2009
$90 and nothing to show.
Well I went to ULTA and I bought $90 worth of Urban Decay goodies (for those of you who don't know, Urban Decay is a make-up company. They don't test on animals and have a lot of vegan products.). I feel kind of empty though. I wanted to spend money and I did, but I have buyers remorse and not for the reasons you think. $90 is a lot of money for a 14 year old to spend in one place. I think I just like to surround myself with money. I like to know that I could walk into a store and buy whatever I want. I never do buy anything, and the reason is because I don't want to part with my precious money. It is really annoying me. I mean what good is money going to do if you don't buy stuff! Sometimes the biggest battles you fight are against yourself, and it is weird because sometimes you lose and sometimes you win.
Friday, April 03, 2009
Where is my Instruction manual?
Don't you ever wish life came with an instruction manual? Everything already lined up for you and all you have to do is follow the directions. This could possibly be a problem for people like me who never follow directions (Maybe, that is why my cookies always taste a tiny bit dry!). Still I would like to have some sort of guidelines. Your parents are supposed to teach you how and you have to actually do it. Like with choosing a career, school, or even day to day things like clothes. Sometimes it would just be easier to let someone else make all the decisions, then if it goes bad at least you can blame someone else. I'm just a bit lost and I think my posts are showing that, I will find whatever I'm looking for, but I don't see it in the immediate future.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
I always get into moods where I feel like I have no talent. (It is true, but none the less not nice to say to myself or anyone else.) We had to take a career interest profiler thing at school. I have never been a fan of those. I think they aren't accurate. I take the test and you'd figure it would be easy; just answer questions about your self. Well of course I over analyze it and it does not work out. They ask questions like "Would you like to lay brick or tile?". Then I think, well I'm I going to have to do the math involved in that? Would I only have to do it once? Would I be doing it by myself? One million questions start popping up. I eventually click dislike, and a similar situation happens for the next 130 questions. I get the results and I'm thinking to myself, 'What the heck, am I on crack?!? That is not me at all!' One of the results was Clergy. I was like are you crazy I don't even have religion. So as you can see this stuff is clearly not 100% great. I have to do 2 assignments based on it though so I ended up picking to research the reporter/journalism career path. I took the test twice (I figure it would be more accurate if I took it a second time.) and I got reporter/journalist both times so I think it would be an interesting career to research and possibly do one day.
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